Monday, October 25, 2010


Tomorrow is departure day.  I'll be heading to Mbingo Hospital in Bamenda, Cameroon for the next six weeks.  I got back into Greenwood early this afternoon after a great weekend at my friends' wedding (congrats Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Wilson!), and have been feverishly preparing for my exit from the country since--washing several loads of laundry, going through my checklist, getting my official paperwork together, and of course, stocking up on the store of goodies at my work desk so that my coworkers aren't deprived of sweets over the next 6 weeks!  I'm pretty excited about this venture but also a little nervous.  I'm sure a bunch of the medical issues I'm gonna encounter will be novel experiences for me, having never treated things like malaria or typhoid fever before.  But that's also part of the excitement!  The learning curve will be quite steep, I'm sure.  I'm also excited about getting to experience yet another culture.  This will be my first time to an African country, and from what several friends and mentors tell me, it's like no other place.  Sadly, I won't be using much of the little Spanish that I know at Mbingo.  Too bad I couldn't brush up on some French over the past few weeks.  I'll try to keep you guys updated from time-to-time.  Thanks to everyone for their prayers.  I know the Lord's gonna teach me a lot during this time, not only through the medical experience but also through seeing His people and His Spirit at work in another part of the world.  Talk at you all soon.


  1. That is so amazing you get to do this! We will be praying for you while you are there. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. The Acosta's are praying for you. Joaquin prayed for you tonight (in Joaquin language). I hope the flight and arrival went well. Hope jet lag is quick.

  3. It is a great thing you do Danny. I hope you find purpose and fulfillment in the time you have left in Cameroon!!
