Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cameroonian trek

Today being Saturday, we had some much needed downtime after AM rounds, and we made use of it by hiking to a nearby waterfall.  We took off after lunch, and Rebecca, wife of the surgeon whose kids I posted earlier in their Halloween costumes, was our tour guide.  It took about 1.5-2 hours one-way, so it was a pretty good trek, but the views were great!  We went over cattle pastures, through thick muddy riverbeds, and climbed slippery rocky slopes.  (Markus, thanks for the Chacos...they came in quite handy!--definitely getting me a pair)  It was a great encouragement to see the beauty of God's creation as we walked along, and the waterfall topped it off.  It may have not been a Niagara, but it sure was beautiful.  We arrived on a hillside opposite the falls, and as you approached you became surrounded with the mist coming up the from the turbulence of the falls hitting the river below.  I hope you enjoy the photos.

Small farm located just beside the falls.  What a view to wake up to everyday!
We had to cross the fence into the pasture to get to the falls.  Please disregard to blindingly white legs...they haven't seen much of the African sun!

I thought this was a great capture of the huge rocky plateau nears the falls
Karen, Rebecca, Emiley

 Me with Emiley (peds from California) and Karen (internal med from NY)
 This is the farm house.  Next time we'll climb to the top of that plateau and get some good distance photos
Herd of cattle we saw along the way.  I'd hate to be on the wrong side of those horns

 The entrance to the hospital's ranch.  They use the land for grazing cattle (meat consumption and raising capital for the hospital) and the houses on the ranch to house visiting missionaries.
Today's hike was refreshing and a reminder of God's greatness.  Thanks so much for your all's prayers--what an encouragement!  Thanks for following along with me in this adventure.  I'll write again soon and give you some photo updates.  'Til then...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Danny! Glad you are doing well. The pics are beautiful. Thanking the Lord for your willingness to "GO"! Glad that you are a brother in the Lord! Be encouraged today by the Word that God wishes none to perish but for all to come to know Him as you share with those who so desperately need to hear! Your New Covenant family is praying for you!
