Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Tony, one of the surgical residents, trying on an interesting hat
Shopping in one of the local grocery stores called "Our Parents"--not sure what the name is about???
I told Karen she couldn't buy this soap until she turned 65

The block soap sold in the market

It's amazing how they carry things on their heads so easily...and this is pretty lightweight compared to some bundles

A view down one of the market aisles
The beef vendor...that dark thing in the center of the table is the cow's stomach--a tasty treat, apparently!

This man was proud of his ox tail
Elle wasn't too happy...she told her mom she didn't want to be "squished between the boys!"
Our snack purchase...fresh munguin (grasshoppers)
Frying 'em up in pan
Margaret was kind enough to fix them for us
As a thank you, we shared some with her as well
These were supposed to go with my last post, but I couldn't get them to load that night.  Hope you enjoy!


  1. Fun times man. Good to see the pictures!

  2. enjoying reading about all you are experiencing and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. Lydia learned to stand up today which is exciting except she didnt want to take a nap all day because she was too busy standing and dancing in her crib. she definitely was blessed with my wonderful rhythm. praying for you. Joey

  3. Danny, I am so excited reading your blogs. I know you're in the thick of it and probably won't be able to process everything until you get back, but I really enjoy your descriptions of everything. I have to admit I'm jealous of your adventures!!!!
    Joy D.

  4. Wow. You are brave to eat grasshoppers. I couldn't do it. Although, I did each fish with heads, so I guess it kinda compares. We miss you friend.
